5 Reasons to Use a Mobile Workshop in Any Industry
June 19, 2017
At Advantage Trailer, we've been building high-quality,custom-designed mobile workshops for businessesacross the country since 1989. While our existing customers recognize the valueof a mobile workshop,we still get a lot of inquiries about how these custom buildings can benefitbusinesses in various industries. Wondering about this yourself? Then read onto see what a workshoptrailer can do for you!
How Your Business Can Benefit from Mobile Workshops
Since our workshoptrailers are completely custom-fabricated, their use cases are trulyendless. But to give you an idea of their power and versatility, here are justfive common ways that these buildings help businesses and their employees.
1. Convenient Storage
Complex construction, engineering, and fabrication jobsrequire a host of specialized tools—large, small, heavy, light, bulky, andfragile. Without central storage for these diverse pieces of equipment, thechances of damage and loss are high.
In cases like these, mobile shop trailers not only protect yourvaluable business assets but also keep resources well-organized to increase employeeproductivity and satisfaction, as well as overall job-site efficiency.
2. On-Hand Quality Control
Especially for businesses in the electrical, pipefitting, ormechanical engineering fields, precisely calibrated systems controls areessential. With a mobilework shop on hand, you can host all required testing machinery in aconvenient location, saving you the time and effort of transporting equipmentto centralized facilities.
At Advantage Trailer, we incorporate heavy-duty securityfeatures to ensure that even the most costly equipment stays safe.
3. Mobile Business Capabilities
Today, businesses and customers are more mobile than ever.If you’re interested in meeting your customers where they are, a mobile workshop is agreat place to start. Because our workshops are custom-built to your exactrequirements, they are incredibly versatile and can be used for nearly anything:
- A standard office space or meeting room
- A spacious showroom or marketing exhibit
- A food truck or other mobile concessions stand
- A well-organized storage space
- And so much more!
4. All-Weather Durability
If your employees work outdoors, it’s important to have aplace for them to go in case of inclement weather. And for some industries—likedisaster relief or emergency healthcare—dangerous conditions and inclementweather are the norm!
For businesses that work in challenging settings, our workshop trailers are outfittedwith features like tube framing, thickened walls and flooring, radial tireswith torsion axels, and extra gussets and supports to keep things runningefficiently, no matter what.
5. Customer-Ready Spaces
When your work takes place in the field, it can be difficultto arrange a convenient location to meet business partners, clients, andpotential customers—but a mobileworkshop provides this private space anywhere you want! Instead ofmeeting in a local coffee shop or rented office, you can invite guests into aprofessionally outfitted, climate-controlled mobile office right on site.
Ready to Design Your WorkshopTrailer?
Have these benefits sparked your imagination? If you’reconsidering the many ways a mobilework shop can improve your business processes and customer experience,get in touch with Advantage Trailer today!
We’ve built thousands of mobile workshopsfor businesses in nearly every industry—and we’d love to take advantage of thisexperience to create a custom rig for your company. Call us today for moreinformation!