Are Thermal Temperature Trailers the Next Step Toward Reopening the Event Industry?
June 24, 2020
As states continue to ease stay-at-home orders, businessesreopen, and sporting events, concerts, festivals, and community eventseventually return, monitoring the health of attendees is going to be crucial tothe health and well-being of everyone.
We are in the process of proactively testing thermal temperature monitor products in order to create aturnkey mobile solution for employers, facilities, and event organizers toreadily deploy.
Do a Google search for temperature monitoring and you willfind no shortage of information about the current demand. Without a Covid-19vaccine – and even after one is successfully developed and implemented –ensuring attendees are healthy before entering an event or office will becommonplace.
Accordingto The Business Research Company, the market for these devices is expectedto grow from $2.67 billion in 2019 to about $26.7 billion in 2020. In additionto buildings with large traffic such as hospitals and commuter hubs such asairports, businesses all over the country are implementing thermal temperaturemonitors to read employees' temperatures before letting them into the building.Businesses such as Amazon, Chrysler, and Caterpillar, to name a few, have invested in this technology already.
The next logical step is implementing these thermaltemperature monitors at entrances to events such as sporting events, concerts,and festivals. That’s where we can help.
We have mocked up two models of thermal temperature trailersthat can allow event management to funnel attendees through on their way in.
The single-lane trailer has steps leading to an entrancethrough the rear of the trailer with the thermal temperature monitor mounted toan acrylic partition wall at the front. An event staffer can sit in the wedgenose area of the trailer behind the acrylic partition and monitor thetemperature readings, directing the person to either exit through a side doorin one direction if they pass or the other direction if their temperature isabove the threshold. Just outside the “fail” door, a second event staffer wouldthen scan that person’s temperature with an FDA approved, clinical-gradetemperature reader for a second confirmation before denying the person entry tothe event.
The double-lane trailer functions similarly, but has an aluminumpartition wall running length-wise down the middle of the trailer to create twoentry lanes at once. This requires two thermal temperature monitors to bemounted to the front acrylic wall, and event management would need to sectionoff a “holding zone” on both sides of the trailer for those whose temperaturesread above the threshold to be checked again.
In both options, an event staffer can be stationed at theentrance to the trailer (the rear of the trailer) to let people in one by one,or spots can be placed on the floor of the trailer six feet apart to keepattendees socially distanced during the entry process.
If neither of these options works for you, we are happy tocustom-build a different layout that meets your needs. All of these trailerswill be pre-wired with electrical and CAT-6 connection for the thermaltemperature monitors, and the monitors themselves installed.
The monitors can read temperatures almost instantly once theperson’s face is within the box on the screen and the temperature threshold canbe set by the administrator. Its functionality allows for masks, hats,sunglasses, and other objects to be worn without degrading its accuracy, and italso rejects false positives from items such as hot drinks.
One rep we talked with stressed the importance of noting that these monitors do not detect the coronavirus and should not be solely or primarily used to diagnose or exclude a diagnosis of Covid-19 or any other disease. They are designed as a screening tool to measure elevated body temperature, which should then be confirmed with a clinical-grade thermometer.
They also do not violate HIPPA regulations if thetemperature reading is not tied to any personally identifiable information. Other important factors we are considering as we nail down a provider is their capacity for customer support to troubleshoot any potential issues and their ability to send out replacement hardware as needed.
If you are an event organizer or in charge of facilityoperations and could use a thermal temperature trailer, let’s start theconversation. With current build times for custom trailers at 10-14 weeks,taking proactive steps to prepare for the return of events will put you in abetter position once the industry returns to normal.
Give us a call at 630-524-2029 or email Justin@advantagetrailer.com formore information.