Custom Design the Perfect Car Hauler for Your Needs
August 31, 2017
There are endless uses for motorsport and car hauler trailers, whether you are someone witha few summertime toys that you want to haul up to the cabin or you're abusiness owner that needs a custom option to simplify your operation. AtAdvantage Trailer, we know that one-size-fits-all car hauler trailers don’t work for everyone, andwe offer a wide range of quality trailers that can be custom-built toyour needs without costing you a fortune.
Car Hauler Design and Trailer Selection
While building a custom car hauler may sound like adream come true, the challenging part can be figuring out exact what you need—not to mention finding areputable design/engineering team to bring that vision to life!
With Advantage Trailer, we give you the best in custom designs andfeatures, and you can depend on our professional car hauler team to help you narrow down thechoices to stick to your vision and your budget. A few of the popular optionswe offer as a starting block to your custom car hauler trailer include:
Open Car Haulers
Need a sleek, versatile car trailer that can be used for a variety ofpurposes? This is the choice for you! Built from heavy-duty materials andavailable in a number of sizes and styles, we can custom-design and modify an opentrailer that delivers the functionality you need.
Enclosed Car Trailers
If you want to protect that prized car or keep toys safe during longjourneys, enclosed car trailers are the way to go. Choose custom options tofinish the interior for even more versatility, and hit the open road knowingthat you’re towing industry-leading quality.
Stacker Car Haulers
Have more than one car that needs transported? Simplify the process witha stacker car haulertrailer! Depending upon your needs, we can create a highly durabletrailer that holds multiple cars safely and securely—without sacrificing onstyle!
Functional Car Hauler Design and Graphic Trailer Wraps
Whether you’re more concerned with head-turning visual appeal or you needfully functional features both inside and out, Advantage Trailer has got youcovered. We are an industry leader in designing and engineering all varietiesof customized car and motorsports trailers thatcan bring your vision to life – both functionally and aesthetically.
Ready to learn more? Give us a call today and see what our team can do tomeet your needs, or fill out our quick online form to grab a free estimate foryour custom car haulertrailers!