Our Plan to Serve You Throughout COVID-19
March 17, 2020
As a family-owned and operated small business, AdvantageTrailer remains committed to the health and safety of our community. Knowingthat many of our local customers depend on us to keep their trailers up andrunning for their own small businesses, we remain open for trailer service and sales during this time.
As the dynamics related to COVID-19 evolve, we are followingall protocols ordered by Gov. Pritzker and we are being proactive withnecessary precautions to keep our team members, customers, and the greatercommunity safe, including:
· Regularly wiping down and disinfecting commonsurfaces throughout the building
· Having hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipesavailable to customers at the servicecounter
· Avoiding handshakes and other personal contact
· Team members wearing gloves at all times
· Asking team members who feel sick to stay home
· Operating with minimal staff in office, remote-capable employees working from home
· Reinforcing the importance of following hygieneguidelines to our team members daily
· Offering to ship parts to customers, or bring parts out to your car so you don’t even have to come in
If you need trailer service or would like to purchase atrailer, we welcome your willingness to support a small business at this time.However, we kindly ask that if you feel sick you stay home as well.
We encourage you to review the latest CDChealth and safety guidelines.
Thank you for your support and understanding during this time. We pray for your health and safety and trust that we will all emerge from this stronger than ever.