How can Advantage Trailer help my brand or agency?
April 15, 2019
By now you have read about whybrands should invest more in experiential marketing, whatmakes an effective experiential campaign, 10unique experiential marketing trailer uses for agencies and brands,and 8key benefits of an experiential marketing trailer.
Now it's time to tie it all together with a look at howAdvantage Trailer can help brands and experiential marketing agencies taketheir brand to the people.
Who is AdvantageTrailer?
For 30 years Advantage Trailer has been a leader in trailersales and fabrication. A family-owned and operated small business, we’ve builtour business on relationships. Whether dealing with an individual purchasingtheir first trailer, a small landscaping business, someone looking for anexpensive stacker to haul their race cars, or a brand or agency buying orleasing a custom marketing trailer, we treat everyone with the same respect.
We take pride in the service-oriented approach that has madeus a leader in the industry and no matter how much we grow that will neverchange. It’s who we are. Just ask our clients.
Jeanette DesJardins, founder of CarChix, was activating atan event in South Georgia back in February when someone backed into her trailerand caused damage to the rear bumper. It just so happened that Dan Rocco, oneof Advantage’s service leads, was at the same event for fun. He noticed thedamage, and without DesJardins even asking, he fixed it for her on the spot.
“It was crazy enough to run into one of the guys who builtmy trailer at an event 1,000 miles away,” DesJardinssaid. “But then for him to go out of his way to fix it before I hitthe road, it just speaks volumes about Advantage Trailer. That’s the kind ofpeople they are, and if I ever decide to get another trailer I know who I’ll gowith again.”
What does AdvantageTrailer specialize in?
Our brand motto is We Build Dreams, and that’s truly what wedo. No matter who our customer is, we want to give them the trailer of theirdreams. We know that a trailer isn’t a small purchase. It’s an investment. And wedon’t take that lightly.
For many customers, a trailer is the realization of theirdream. It allows them to begin or expand their business. That was the case withRod Crosby, who commissioned Advantage to build him a custom48-foot food trailer to serve as his new rotisserie-centeredrestaurant and sauce sampling bar in Austin, Texas.
“You look at it and it’s a symbol of all your hard work,”Crosby said. “It’s light years beyond most of the food trucks in town. This isa new generation food trailer. Modern technology, modern everything, modernengineering.”
Every trailer build is different, but his idea was about ascustom as they come. He wanted a full, high-end chef’s kitchen at the fronthalf of his trailer and a tasting bar at the back end. He spent two yearsdesigning it and researching and vetting trailer companies. When he foundAdvantage, he got a look at a recent food trailer we had done for a major friedchicken brand and was sold.
“No one else I had talked to had done something of thatmagnitude, so being walked through every step of that was priceless,” Crosbysaid. “It allowed us to know that Advantage would be capable of it. Then, thefeeling when we got there, meeting the team, seeing first-hand hundreds oftrailers in the lot and then the custom-built side…they seemed very personableand professional.”
It’s those kinds of stories that motivate us every day.Taking a customer’s ideas and helping them realize their dream. Sure, we cansell you a basic trailer with nothing added – and for many customers we do –but we specialize in designing and fabricating exactly what you want. We liketo say, your only limitation is your imagination.
Who are some of thebrands we’ve worked with?
As you can imagine, Advantage Trailer has done all sorts of trailers,from food trailers to mobile boutiques, from command centers to educationaltrailers. There isn’t much we haven’t done, and that experience is what helps us serve ourcustomers.
Chaco Footwear had us build them a mobilefitting room that they took to music festivals and college eventsacross the country. Students and festival attendees were enticed by free tacosand given the opportunity to try on the new line of Chaco sandals.
For Curate, we built a 24-foot stage trailer that had a beautifullydecorated interior with artisan goods. But the purpose of the activation was todistribute samples of their Curate granola bar, which they did at eventsthroughout the Midwest.
We recently completed a mobile retail store for SpiderzBatting Gloves, complete with interior slat wall throughout to display product,a fold-down side stage for consumer flow, and a fold-down rear stage that theyuse as a DJ booth. They travel to various Major League Baseball stadiums andother baseball and softball events across the country.
MINI USA had us build a custom stage trailer to display options,accessories, and a history of MINI video. Mercedes Benz had us build a trailerto showcase their new 2019/2020 sprinter vans and educate consumers on theoptions and accessories they offer.
We have worked with both Verizon and AT&T to createproduct demonstration trailers. We created mobile recording studio for the JackDaniels Jack’n for Beats tour. Meijer used a clear-view trailer for productdisplay on college campuses during their back to school program. For Alienware,we built a trailer to demo their new gaming computers,headsets, and accessories. Tactical Wear Online used a trailer to sell UnderArmor branded tactical gear that benefits the Wounded Warriors Project.
We are currently fabricating mobile food bank trailers for apair of national grocery chains, as well as an Airstream-turned-kitchen thatwill sit atop a downtown building as part of a rooftop restaurant.
As you can see, the brands that have utilized our trailerfabrication services span a variety of categories, from consumer packaged goods(CPG) to technology to clothing to automotive to retail.
The examples above are mostly recognizable brands, but thatdoesn’t mean your brand has to be a well-established market leader to benefitfrom a marketing trailer. CarChix is one woman who started out with a pop-uptent and expanded her business with a trailer. Sauce Odyssey launched hisbusiness with a trailer. The owner of Lash Bar in Utah is expanding her hairand cosmetics business with a mobile lash bar trailer with a goal offranchising them out.
There are hundreds of stories like this and that’s what welove to do. As mentioned above, we live by our motto, We Build Dreams.
What sets Advantage apart?
There are many trailer dealers and fabricators out there,but Advantage Trailer is ideal for brands and marketing agencies for four reasons.
First, we only work with the highest quality manufacturersin the country. If you buy a trailer from down south, chances are it’s built tolower standards with cheaper materials. That means you will have more problemswith your trailer as you use it. If you’re going to make an investment, whysettle for cheap? Buying a trailer from Advantage Trailer means you’re getting ahigh-quality, structurally sound, lightweight trailer that will last wellbeyond your marketing program.
Secondly, we’re ideally located for Midwest-based brands andagencies, especially the many that have an office in Chicago. Just 30 mileswest of the city and right in between O’Hare and Midway airports, our shop iseasy to get to. That means your account managers can stop in to check on buildprogress or our team can easily visit your office.
When you launch your program, your tour staff can stay atone of two hotels just across the street and your account staff is close enoughto home to make training just a day trip, which saves on your account travelbudget.
Third, as demonstrated above, our fabrication team can make damn near anything. Full chef’s kitchen? Check. Mobile retail store? Check. Mobile gaming trailer with VR? Check. Trade show checkpoint? Check. Product demonstration trailer? Check. Product sampling trailer? Check. You name it, our team of experienced fabricators can create it.
Finally, how many other trailer fabricators have a 10-year experiential agency veteran on their roster? I have personally used and sourced trailers fortwo different agencies over the past decade. My decade of experience in yourshoes gives you a trusted agent inside your trailer vendor. Someone whounderstands your timelines, your client requests, and your goals.
In other words, we aren’t just another trailer vendorlooking to make some money and move on to the next customer. We care about thesuccess of your program because we’ve been there. We want your trailer to lookand work exactly how you intend.
Before your trailer hits the road we’ll train you and/oryour tour staff on exactly how to use it, or we’ll fly in to market to be therefor your launch event to ensure it works perfectly. That’s what KatherineRogers, Global Construction Events Manager at Autodesk, was blown away by whenshe leaseda 24-foot stage trailer from Advantage for her company’s largestannual conference, Autodesk University, last fall.
“I had never set up a trailer, and we had a very limitedtwo-hour time window to move the trailer in, position it exactly, and thenstabilize and level it,” she recalled.
“The Advantage Trailer sales manager, Jim, was in constantcontact with the drivers delivering the trailer. It was good to be able to relyon him. He showed me how to set up and then close up the trailer after theevent. He also gave me his cell phone number with instructions to call him atany time of the day/night if we needed his assistance.”
How do I work withAdvantage?
You can view our currently in-stock trailer inventoryor peruse the extensive examples of what we havedone for past customers.
That’s extremely helpful for brand managers trying to figure out what to get, but chances are, if you’re from an agency, you don’t need tospend time clicking through different listings. By now, you know we can get thejob done, so just give us a call at 630-524-2029 or fillout a quote request.
We will get back to you quickly with a detailed quote or arequest for more information. Beginning with our first conversation, we’re hereto listen. What is your big idea? How do you envision using your trailer? Whatare your goals?
From there, we’ll let you know your options and providedrawings and photos of past trailers we’ve done that are similar to what you are requesting.
Once you’ve decided on the basics, we’ll put together themeat and potatoes of your trailer. All options are on the table at this point.As the process moves along, we’ll provide CAD drawings and photos to keep youfully informed throughout.
Finally, when your trailer is ready, we can host you at ourfacility for a training, or if you choose to have the trailer shipped tomarket, we will fly out to train your team in person.
No matter what, we’re here to serve you every step of the way so you can get the trailer of your (or your client’s) dreams.